Dog Stung by Bee

Dogs are considered lovable pets worldwide; when they are in pain, we people also feel discomfort because we have an emotional attachment to our dogs. Dogs are usually very loyal to their owners, which is why they are ranked first in the loyalty and playful pets.

Now the question is, what happens if your Dogs Are Stung by Bee?

Most of the time, when dogs go to parks or jungles, and while playing, they mistakenly step on a bee and get stung, or a bee flies towards the dog and stings it. If your dog is stung by a bee or wasp, the worst they will end up with is a swollen face or paw and some localized pain and irritation where the dog is stung. Though your dog might appear distressed when stung by a bee or wasp, don’t worry, this pain should go away shortly. The pain or burning lasts 1 to 2 hours at the site; normal swelling from venom can increase for 48 hours after the sting, and it may last for seven days, but the redness can last three days. Make sure to take proper care of your dog.




Never panic in such a situation. A Bee sting may be painful and can cause swelling, inflammation, and redness in dogs. You should know that bee stings are common in dogs in the summer and autumn. If a bee stung your dog many times on the face, you should visit a Vet as soon as possible because it can cause an allergy. The following steps will help you manage such situations:

  1. Carefully remove the stinger by using a credit card or something similar to scrape it out, and then remove the stinger with tweezers.
  2. Run a clean tea towel or cloth to clean the site where your dog is stung; now, apply the paste of baking soda and water to the location of the string.
  3. Use an ice pack to relieve swelling and pain; ice is usually good for humans and as well as for animals to quickly soothe the site of the sting but do it carefully dog may get shocked because of the temperature change.
  4. Ask your vet about giving your dog a dose of oral antihistamine or diphenhydramine (e.g., Benadryl); you should always check with your vet to ensure you are giving the right drug and in the correct quantity for your dog’s size and weight.
  5. Give your fresh dog water, try to calm it down, and keep an eye out for any signs of an allergic reaction that might develop within the first few hours.


Can bee sting cause allergy in dogs? It would be best to take bee stinging seriously because it can cause allergies. With time you may feel the following signs of Allergy.

  1. Vomiting
  2. Rapid breathing or difficulty in breathing
  3. Weakness or collapsing
  4. Pale gums
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Excessive swelling around the site of the sting and spreading away from it.

If your dog displays any of these signs, contact your vet immediately and make arrangements to take your dog in for emergency treatment.


Bee stings are not dangerous on their own. Most of the time, dogs can recover from bee stings without additional care. It would be best if you didn’t take it easy because of an allergic reaction risk. Please keep an eye on it to check whether it shows allergic signs. If your dog is allergic to bees, it can cause much more trouble than expected.

In some cases, bees are not very friendly to dogs and can cause so many problems; so, if your dog is stung by a bee and you leave it untreated, it can cause a life-threatening condition known as “ANAPHYLAXIS,” so make sure to give proper treatment if your dog is stung by a bee


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