Afghan Hounds are giant hounds with a lean build. Their wide, dark eyes contrast with their triangular heads. The long, silky coat of an Afghan Hound, which may or may not be docked to a length of about half the ultimate tip of the sternum, is one of the breed’s most distinctive features.
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Height: 25-27 inches

Size Medium 3

Rank: 114

Size Medium

Weight: 50-60 lb

Size Medium 1

Life Span: 11-18 Years




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If you’re looking for a dog, the Afghan Hound’s personality should be strong on your list of priorities. This breed is well-known for its high levels of activity and playful spirit. They require an experienced owner who understands how to deal with their stubborn nature. Afghan Hounds are generally not recommended for first-time dog owners due to their stubborn nature and lengthy training requirements. This breed may not be the best choice if you prefer a more subdued lap dog.


The Afghan hound is a speedy breed. They need daily opportunities to expend their boundless vitality and physical vitality. A healthy Afghan hound requires daily walks or runs. They will become destructive if you don’t exercise them enough, such as by chewing furniture or digging holes in the yard. Without this regular exercise, the dog is more likely to gain weight and experience joint issues later in life. Anyone with an Afghan hound puppy should take him on long walks every day and play active games with him so that he can learn the limits of his legs (like fetch). A good rule of thumb is that dogs should get at least 20 minutes of exercise per day; however, this may vary depending on the type of dog being discussed: small breeds typically do not require as much time spent outside, while larger breeds may require longer periods outdoors before coming back inside!


Afghans are known to be self-reliant, proud, and reserved around strangers, but they quickly warm up and become fiercely loyal to those they develop close relationships. As an adult, an Afghan’s unwavering allegiance to family and country can make settling into a new environment challenging. On the plus side, they are eager to please their owners, which can make them simple to housetrain. Teaching simple commands like “come,” “sit,” and “stay” is usually sufficient unless competing in an obedience or agility competition is the end goal. Many owners of Afghan Hounds quickly say that their dogs can never be trained out of their natural hunting instinct.


Experts on the breed recommend finding a vet familiar with sighthounds if your dog needs surgery because the breed tends to be anesthetic-sensitive due to its naturally low body fat. Afghan Hounds, like other deep-chested breeds of dog, are susceptible to bloat and sudden and potentially fatal abdomen swelling. As such, it is important for owners to be aware of the signs of bloat and how to treat their pets if they experience them.


  • When you acquire an Afghan Hound, you disappear.
  • They reject the idea of fencing.
  • In the summer, playing with them is less enjoyable.
  • Afghan hounds are delicate dogs.
  • Constantly in the way is their ear.
  • They Look good in anything.
  • A certain emotion you have when you look into someone else’s ear


In terms of purebred hounds, the Afghan Hound is among the oldest. Due to the breed’s advanced age, the origins of the Afghan Hound remain in mystery. It is thought to have originated in the present-day territories of Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. The Afghan Hound was first developed in ancient Asia to accompany hunters. Because of its exceptional eyesight and quickness, it was trained to hunt games in the highlands. Because of its refined hunting abilities through time, the Afghan Hound is classified as a sighthound, a subset of the hound breeds. In addition to being a sign of riches and power, it has been retained as such by many ancient Asians. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that the Afghan Hound was widely admired across Europe. This breed is widely held in high regard among the upper classes of Britain. In 1927.

Should You Own an Afghan Hound?

Afghan hounds are known to be obstinate, aloof, goofy, incredibly intelligent, incredibly clever, and devious, especially when it comes to counter-surfing. They need a lot of maintenance, or hair must be cut short. To keep the hair from matting, daily brushing is required. Used for hunting in Afghanistan, these canines pursue feline and canine prey. While some canines get along famously with their canine counterparts, some are less social. In my experience, they are most effective with teenagers, though there are always exceptions. The vast majority of people despise young people. Affectionate behavior from them, however, must be initiated and conducted according to their schedule.